Sarah Demeuse

Animal that Doesn’t Exist, Daniel Steegmann Mangrané


The first monograph of Daniel Steegmann Mangrané’s practice, made in parallel to a solo exhibition at CRAC Alsace. The book features ample photographic documentation, three reprints, and fifteen short texts written by five authors, who were cued by a conceptual index made with the artist.


Rivet (Manuela Moscoso), Jimena Canales, Pedro Cesarino, Benjamin Meyer-Krahmer, Filipa Ramos, Ana Teixeira Pinto, Elfi Turpin and reprints by Samuel Beckett, Georges Didi-Huberman, Carlos Drummond de Andrade

Design: Manuel Raeder


Concept, Pitch, Editorial Management , Editing, Writing


Bom Dia Books

Scan of the front cover of a book. White background with a delicate, colored web. The title and artist name are scattered over the web.
Scan of a book spread. On the left side a black and white image of a camera in the forest. On the right page a list of 12 words, set in capitals in black on a white background.
Scan of a book spread. On the left page a list of 13 words, set in capitals in black on a white background. On the right side is the editorial introduction, set in black type.