Sarah Demeuse
Audio Script for an Exhibition at WdW
A script for a 2019 exhibition at Witte de With (now Kunstinstituut Melly) about dropping out, written together with Wendy Tronrud and commissioned by Sofía Hernández Chong Cuy. The audio is meant to be experienced with wireless headphones while visiting a temporary exhibition environment at the art center.
Specifically highlighting women artists of the post-1968 moment, three voices come together in a close reading, listening, and questioning of the terms and narratives that create "dropouts." The text is interspersed by a soundtrack made by Mario García Torres in collaboration with Sol Oosel, and was expanded upon in a public talk by Melissa Gordon.
Listen here.
Wendy Tronrud, Sofía Hernández Chong Cuy, Mario García Torres, Sol Oosel, Melissa Gordon
Concept, Research, Translation, Writing
Witte de With Center for Contemporary Art/ Kunstinstituut Melly
English, Dutch